Since the inception of Overland Trail Guides in 2019, our primary focus has been to publish the most detailed overland route guides available. But with growth comes change, and over the last 3 years things have changed quite a bit around here! We've got quite a few folks sharing their OTG adventures online, and we'd love to share the stoke with our loyal members and readers. And while trip reports and other outdoor adventures will certainly be the bread and butter of the new digital magazine, w hope you'll be able to find other useful information on topics such as route planning, product reviews, preparation, vehicle maintenance, recovery, communications and more.

What You Won't Find We don't believe in buying more gear for the sake of well, buying more gear (and especially not for posting on Instagram). You can blame Amazon Prime or the prevalence of cheap disposable goods, but whatever the root cause may be, there are a lot of folks who buy stuff they don't need-- stuff that eventually finds it's way into the landfill. They say, "You get what you pay for", which is something we certainly agree with. Product reviews will be focused on products we've had the opportunity to spend a reasonable amount of time testing in the field. And if a certain manufacturer provides a product to review free of cost, we'll let you know. At the end of the day, you won't find us writing about cheap advertisements of mediocre products that struggle to least beyond a season or two. Paying it Forward
Maybe you've got kids, or grandchildren, or maybe you don't. But chances are you're visiting the site because you love exploring the backroads and rugged wildlands of this awesome little place we call Planet Earth. If we're to continue enjoying our pristine wildlands and the roads and trails that lead through them, each of us must strive to be respectful stewards of the land. What does that mean in terms of the digital magazine? We'll have articles focused on principles such as Leave No Trace and Tread Lightly, but we'll go even deeper touching on topics such as campsite and off roading etiquette, campfires and wildfire mitigation, waste disposal, trail advocacy and more. Want to Get Involved?
Glad you asked! OTG is looking for folks to write articles on any number of subjects covered above, but especially trip reports. Head over to the Contact Us page to get in touch!
Copyright 2022, Overland Trail Guides