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The North Rim Grand Traverse

Writer: OTG CrewOTG Crew

Updated: Mar 12

Far away from the tourists overcrowding the South Rim, the "other side" as the North Rim is commonly called, is a place filled with evergreen forests, aspen groves, lush meadows filled with grazing elk and bison, and a backcountry that is truly wild. If you're looking for a multi-week adventure filled with some of the most picturesque geological scenery in the North America, then maybe it's time to add the North Rim to your bucket list.

Route Overview

Trip Length & Season

Adventure Rating: Baja

Trip Length:  547 miles, 7-14 days

Season: March - November. Fall or Spring is recommended, which helps to avoid the summer's scorching desert heat. While the route may be driven any time of year, snowfall at higher elevations may prevent through passage. The road to Kelly Point undergoes a seasonal winter vehicle closure to protect the trail (call Parashant NM for status). Fire Restrictions Fire restrictions are common throughout the North Rim. Please check with local land managers to see if any fire restrictions are in affect.

Digital Maps & GPX Files

Technical Ratings & Terrain

Recommended Vehicle / Moto / Adventure Vans

Fuel, Provisions, and Recommended Gear

Alternative Routes

Camping Recommendations

Discovery Points

Land Managers & Other Resources

Permits & Papers


Route Details

Pine forests, aspen groves, and lush meadows filled with grazing elk and bison are probably not among the scenes that come to mind when thinking of Arizona or the Grand Canyon. But if you're lucky enough to make it to the North Rim, these are a few of the things you can expect along with an expansive backcountry wilderness with some of the most scenic, yet least visited viewpoints along the Grand Canyon. Often referred to as the "other side", the North Rim is far away from the Disneyland-like atmosphere and turmoil that presides over the South Rim. Crowds tend to be light in the North Rim, and even the North Rim visitor center has a less commercialized feel to it. Before you head out on your trip, be sure to acquaint yourself with with the required permits and recommended gear for this extended backcountry adventure. We also recommend that you look at this route as a rough itinerary. With hundreds of miles of dirt backroads and literally dozens of potential viewpoints that can be visited along the route, if you're dealing with time or fuel constraints, you may want to create a short-list of locations and viewpoints to visit before heading out. The route begins just north of the North Rim Visitor Center at Highway 67. Highway 67 is typically closed December through mid-May. If you plan on visiting in early spring, considering checking with the National Park Service if the road is closed (it is possible to begin the route from Fredonia, but you'll need to drive out and back on the dirt roads). Your first destination along the North Rim is Sublime Point, perhaps the most visited viewpoint in the North Rim backcountry (likely due to its proximity to the highway). The road to Sublime Point can be a bit bumpy and rutted at times, but nothing that a stock 4x4 with all terrain tires can't handle. From Sublime Point you'll head up and through the pine forests. Kanabownits lookout is a great place for a rest stop as you make your way towards the small town of Fredonia (your first fuel stop). The route passes through a number of aspen groves and high alpine meadows, if you're lucky, you might even spot a herd of elk or bison grazing. The next viewpoint on the itinerary is Jumpup Point, which tends to see a lot less traffic given the remoteness of its location. Part of the Grand Canyon extends northward up the Kanab Creek drainage, preventing passage to the west. Instead, travelers must drive northward towards Fredonia before heading back south, and onto the lands managed by the Parashant National Monument. Once you reach Fredonia, be sure to top off on fuel. You'll need it, as the next leg (if you follow the the exact route) of the journey is 400+ miles before the next gas station! From Fredonia follow Highway 389 until you reach Mt Trumbull Road (county road 109, the beginning may be referred to as Antelope Valley Road); a well groomed dirt road. Follow Road 109 until you reach BLM road 1057. The road to SB Point is not nearly as manicured and well kept as road 109, so expect to dial down your rate of travel. Now that you're within the boundaries of Parashant National Monument, backcountry camping opportunities are near infinite. If you want to set up camp at SB Point or some other spot along the rim, go for it (unless signage indicates otherwise). SB Point is another location where it's darn near impossible to take a bad picture! Next on the agenda is Toroweap Point. One of the most well-known viewpoints within the National Monument. Dangling one's feet over the canyon's edge is a favorite activity of those who make it to Toroweap. If you're feeling adventurous, consider throwing on your hiking boots and explore the Tuckup trail as it skirts the canyon's walls above the mighty Colorado River. Making your way back towards Mt Trumbull, be sure to check out the Nampaweap petroglyphs site. Miles into the backcountry, there are still living remnants of civilization, like the (locally) famous Bar 10 Ranch, and the Whitmore International Airport (a dirt landing strip owned by the ranch). Just beyond Bar 10 Ranch a large lava flow envelops the side of the mountain, which also happens to be the location of lava-formed Paws Pocket. If one of your goals is to deep your toes into the Colorado, consider driving to the end of Whitmore Canyon Road, and then taking the trail down to the river. A large mesa looms over Bar 10 Ranch to the west. Whitmore point is another exellent location for viewing the canyon and lower elevation mesas below. Heading north once again, you'll soon pass Mt Trumbull Historic School House. It's hard to believe this school was once filled with the children of pioneers and homesteaders in this rugged country! From the school house, the route explores some of the most remote and less visited locations along the North Rim. Kelly Point is worth the drive (rough and slow going), but be sure to check on the status of the road as the gate tends to be closed during the winter months. Twin Point overlook is the last designated viewpoint along the official route, so take in the views while you can! BLM Road 1012 passes a number of historic mines, and with many remaining buildings and mining equipment, Grand Gulch Mine is certainly worth a visit. Road 1012 is a rough and tight jeep road that may not be well suited to long wheelbase vehicles, vans, and/or vehicles pulling trailers. Upon departing the mining district, it's mostly smooth sailing back to the interstate and St George on well groomed dirt and gravel roads. St George is booming and one of the fastest growing small cities in Utah If you need an amenity or service, they should have it!


Terms of Use: Should you decide to travel a route that is published on, you do so at your own risk. Always take the appropriate precautions when planning and traveling, including checking the current local weather, permit requirements, trail/road conditions, and land/road closures. While traveling, obey all public and private land use restrictions and rules, and carry the appropriate safety, recovery, and navigational equipment. The information found on this site is simply a planning resource to be used as a point of inspiration in conjunction with your own due-diligence. In spite of the fact that this route, associated GPS track (GPX and maps), and all route guidelines were prepared under diligent research by Overland Trail Guides, the route accuracy and current conditions of roads and trails cannot be guaranteed.


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